
Transition Coaching for the Adventurous!

Make Life an Adventure ...
... and Transitions Flow Smoothly
with Personal and Professional Transition Coach Deborah Martin, Master Coach

My Vison: An adventurous world in which we are all connected with and support nature while enjoying our deepest desires. 

My Misson: To help you discover what it is you deeply desire, and easily live a life of natural adventures that fulfill and energize you.

I want to coach YOU! Are you ready? 231-879-4178 or deb@portagecoach.com

My "Portage--Lessons From The Creek" blog provides insights via tips, ideas, musing and anecdotes. Insights designed to help you feel and act differently in order to attract what you want naturally. Sometimes irreverent, sometimes amusing, always playful! Simply visit Lessons From The Creek, hover over the pull-out tabs on the right-hand column, and subscribe with your email address or your favorite RSS feed service. Thanks!