I coach via the phone on Tuesday and Wednesday, the first 3 weeks of each month, between 7:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Eastern. I am sometimes available during the 4th week of the month or on a Monday, Thursday or Friday if we have made prior arrangements.
These are my most common coaching plans. Choose the one that best works for you or propose something different.

Three, 30- to 40-minute coaching calls: $450
Two, 30- to 40-minute coaching calls: $320
As needed: $170/session
A 10% prepay discount is available for purchasing a block of 9 or more sessions
A special offer for new coaches (see below)
Coaching while paddling, hiking, skiing, snowshoeing, fishing... you name the activity: $1,000/day plus expenses
Facilitating your group's agenda or a planned program around a specific topic: $1,500/day for 5 to 15 people. $50 per person for each additional participant over 15.
All amounts are in U.S, dollars
My coaching plans 1 and 2 include:
- unlimited email support
- impromptu check-in calls
- 1/2 price on all teleclasses one-day Adventure Retreats I offer
All fees are returnable for satisfaction issues and you, the client, have sole determination.
Fees are due on the 1st of each month, upon receiving your invoice, unless prior arrangements have been made for a different payment schedule.
New Coaches: I will "jump-start" new coaches at the rate of $300 per month for the first three months or $900 for the first 9 sessions. I recommend 3 sessions per month to start but you and I can work out a schedule that is best for you. The focus will be your Business Development, your Personal Development and your Coaching Skills.
I extend this offer to all new coaches of any training organization.
Via PayPal